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A European Turkey D[el]ay

At first, it seemed a bit risky to invite seven Europeans to our Thanksgiving feast, making ten people in all, half of whom are professional cyclists trying to lose weight and get in shape before the 2017 season starts up. Maybe they'd just eat the salad and other vegetables and politely decline dessert, only to leave not feeling as stuffed as the turkey (like one is 'supposed' to feel), totally upending our efforts to create an authentic American Thanksgiving.

Now, the picture probably gives it away because not only was everyone's plate heaped with all the classics, but most went back for seconds. Furthermore, they went along with and fully embraced the little traditions we tried to incorporate to make the event feel as real as possible.

I'll backup for a minute: Ian invited a bunch of close friends, all with different stories. One downstairs roommate, one Australian, one Team Sky teammate and his wife, his "Nice parents" so to say, and one cycling world champion and British sports celebrity. We did an initial shopping trip Tuesday night and from then on were preparing on and off until Friday afternoon (thus the title). It really did feel like we created our own little piece of the nationwide holiday overseas, cooking in the kitchen together, setting up the table, and foraging for plants and items that would make an autumn-y centerpiece.

I'll let the plate on the right do the talking; the dishes we made were almost exactly what I had last year for Thanksgiving at home. We made a pecan and a pumpkin pie for dessert, accompanied by the European twist of a digestif of choice. Before dessert we all, of course, shared what we are thankful for in game-like fashion.

A first time affair for half the attendees, they all gave resounding praises about the food and camaraderie of the evening (we ~almost~ made it through the whole main course without anyone mentioning Trump, but that subject thankfully died quickly). Two couples even went home with a "doggie bag" and there was still enough leftovers for a delicious turkey soup and then some! On Ian's bike ride the next day, the only complaints were from the people who weren't invited :)

Can you guess what I said I was [am] thankful for? My older sister and her boyfriend's complete unselfishness in providing and being there for me for nearly a month during this new adventure. Big-hearted enough to take so much time out of their busy lives to foster an unforgettable experience here, I really have no idea how to thank them.

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