Settling in one place for awhile and starting to get a routine down, I find I really take pride in the small things that I do/happen each day that make me more comfortable in the new surroundings. Since I started traveling in the fall, I've realized, after not being obligated to wake up early anymore, I still like doing it because it gives me a sense of purpose for the day and a fresher start than feeling groggy after sleeping in until lunchtime. Well, now that I have a job doing vineyard work, I do have to wake up early during the week but I still enjoy it.
Anyway, after a rager at the hostel last night that I lamely did not partake in (because of confusing work circumstances), I woke up, feeling great, to people passed out everywhere. First little victory. Borrowed a bike from the hostel to cycle to the Hawkes Bay Growers Market, which had extensive free samples and lots of amazing quality, original products. Two, three. Fig almond salami samples?! Five of the biggest beets on the bottom of the crate for three NZ dollars. Rhubarb! And a fifty cent courgette (that's zucchini)! Which isn't actually too impressive except that for someone who no longer has a huge garden at her fingertips, the zucchini in grocery stores is outrageously priced. Four five six. Church, for the first time since being here, sitting down with mostly seniors to have tea and biscuits, and leaving with a free place to stay if I need it. Seven eight nine. Biked to a nearby honey/bee museum/operation that had unlimited free samples of eight different kinds of honey, then did yoga by the river on the bike back. Ten eleven. Returned to sunbathe and read on the roof after three rainy days inside, then tried out a different evening church service. Twelve thirteen.
You get it; if you micro-analyzed each of your own days you could probably find at least thirteen little victories as well. Things are going well in Hastings, despite a hostel kitchen in desperate need of a makeover.
p.s. The rhubarb sauce tastes amazing: like home.